10 Ways to Reduce Plastic Pollution

10 Ways to Reduce Plastic Pollution

The plastic waste­ problem is a huge deal for all of us. Every year, millions of tons of plastic waste impact the oceans, polluting rivers and beautiful landscapes. This mass of garbage hurts both our nature and us. To fix this big issue, we all nee­d to chip in, starting with small changes in our everyday life­. There has never been a moment ...

Causes of Plastic Pollution and How to Fix Them

Causes of Plastic Pollution

Plastic pollution is perhaps one of the biggest environmental issues of our time. Besides causing the disruption of ecosystems and posing threats to wildlife, it also threatens human health. The core causes of plastic pollution include improper waste disposal and their immense use in individualistic applications. Every year, billions of tons o...

HDPE Recycling and Its Effect on Reducing Plastic Pollution

HDPE Recycling

One of the preeminent pressing environmental challenges of our time is plastic pollution. In our fight against plastic waste, reusing High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) has risen as a critical strategy. At Banyan Nation, we’re committed to recognizing the vital potential to decrease pollution and make a more sustainable future. ...

The Impact of Plastic Waste on Oceans & How We Can Help

Plastic Waste on Oceans

With an acute sense of awareness and advancements in technology, we are at the brink of a plastic pollution crisis in our oceans. To handle the effect of plastic waste, we need to innovate collectively and create a seismic shift in our approach to plastic use and disposal.  What is Plastic Waste?  The effects of plastic in our seas is not just...