What is an EPR Certificate and Which Companies Are Required to Obtain it?

EPR Certificate

A question commonly asked in the environmental sector is What is EPR certificate?  Environmental sustainability has in recent years emerged as a critical business priority worldwide. An important tool in this effort has come out to be the Extended Producer Responsibility certificate. This serves as an important official recognition that compan...

The Role of Plastic Recycling in Achieving a Circular Economy

Circular Economy

The circular economy model has been gaining traction has sustainable development emerges as the theme of the decade. The model aims to reduce waste, redesign our economic framework and increase resource efficiency. In this framework, there is a crucial role of plastic recycling in addressing one of our most pressing environmental challenges.  ...

HDPE Recycling and Its Effect on Reducing Plastic Pollution

HDPE Recycling

One of the preeminent pressing environmental challenges of our time is plastic pollution. In our fight against plastic waste, reusing High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) has risen as a critical strategy. At Banyan Nation, we’re committed to recognizing the vital potential to decrease pollution and make a more sustainable future. ...